Bible Study, Worship Services, & Christian Education in Chicago, Illinois

At Grace and Glory Tabernacle Baptist Church in Chicago, Illinois, we offer many opportunities for you to worship and grow spiritually.  These include the basics or the foundation of the Christian church: Prayer Meeting, Bible Study, Sunday or Church School and a number of other Christian education endeavors.

Prayer & Bible Study
Join our prayer group early on Sunday mornings, from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., or at a regular prayer meeting on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. During these sessions, we pray for family, friends, loved ones, neighborhoods, cities, schools, national and international concerns, national leaders/politicians and any other special requests.

Bible studies are a great way to go from relationship to fellowship with God, and these take place on Wednesday nights from 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Transportation is available to attend both prayer meetings and Bible studies. Simply contact the church office at (888) 633-4071 and ask them to pick you up or just leave a message with your name, address and phone number relative to your requests. 

Sunday School
Exciting, reflective, challenging, homework assignments, games, etc., Sunday school is for people of all ages, and goes from 9:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. After Sunday school is over, everyone is welcome to enjoy some delicious refreshments at 10:50 a.m.

For children, we offer a curriculum from Urban Ministries, and for adults we use Union Gospel Press for their lessons. Parents need to bring their children to Sunday school.  And we encourage such to the highest level.

Christian Education
Prepare for your Sunday school presentation and enrich your spiritual foundation with the word of God. Every Thursday evening from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., our staff meets for Christian education preparedness and enrichment for themselves; brainstorming, tests, and lesson preparation in order to be ready for students as they arrive on Sundays for the Sunday school hour.   

Youth Programs
At our church, we have wonderful programs and activities for our youth members. There are different activities that take place throughout the month, including our Youth in Charge of leading worship every fourth Sunday of the month.

Bible, Christian Education in Chicago, IL

Worship Services
Join us for worship services on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. This is not your usual traditional worship service, or even a contemporary one, it is an exciting service consisting of racial components, music, hymn singing, Bible reading, and good preaching. It is a time when members of the congregation meet to together to immerse themselves in corporate worship -- "a sweet smelling savor" to the Lord"  II Chronicles 7:3.

New Building

Please help us to build this new church edifice by sending your donation in now.  God to PayPal at the bottom of this page.  Construction is set to begin October 15, 2014 at 2122 S. Pulaski Road, Chicago, IL  60623.  Phone us at 773-762-1018 or 312-848-5427 if necessary.  Thanks so much! Sign

With Shovels

Bob Cat Praying

Contact our church office in Chicago, Illinois, to request more information about our services or youth events.